New Map: Watery Jungle

Hi! I am suggesting a new Map for survival games. The name is still in the works, so it is subject to change.
What will it look like?
It will be a 75 block in either direction map, so 150 in total, but size is subject to change from community feedback. To get to the cornucopia, you would have to swing. After the water, there would be a beach and then a thick jungle. The jungle would be small to make up for how sense it is. This is also modeled after the arena in hunger games: catching fire, and this is how I imagined it. Screenshots of a rough idea may be provided later.

Is it just me or would that be tooooo small…?

Either way I’ve voted for it! It reminds me of something rather nostalgic hehe


True. The size is also subject to change, and it would be 75 blocks one way, so 150 from end to end :slight_smile:

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that’s still small for an sg map-

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thats still like half the diameter of a normal sg map, which gives the map way less area, which is definitely the important part. Some guy could literally sit at mid with a bow on this size of map, and with decent aim, be able to hit anybody who isn’t behind cover.


True, the size is still subject to change and also the map would have tons foliage