New hub title idea

sully goober hub title

More info:
it would be nice if there was a silly goober hub title reward to players who fell i to the void in skywars 500 times

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So about the idea… Why not? A suggestion though is that you only fall in during one of the phases. Maybe the warmup phase to make it so that no one just makes you lose a teammate repeatedly

This sounds like it would be an awesome achievement. I love the idea and we need more rewards for this type of content lol

this would be a grind
to win, you just stand there. people will jump in to the void


this isn’t his first post wha-

sounds funny, and i like funny.

voting when i can

yes it is

ANYAWAY I like this tbh and I agree with Ayaan. we could really use rewards from random things lol

Anyways, I’ve got an idea for the hubtitle: “The Void Faller”. I think this will be better than “silly goober” since it sounds better and more… mature.


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Anyway the is nice but how about if we low the number? 100 or 150 for example.

Also I suggest @Cl0v3r_UwU to place the suggestion in SkyWars section!