New gamemode: ice track boat races!

Boat races on ice

I think it would be amazing to have a minigame of boat race on ice tracks, with many diffrent maps, features, and perhaps you could select a number of laps. There could be a bit more then a dozen players, a bit like deathrun. There could also be a mega race mode… imagine racing against like 30 other players on an extra wide map. You could have timers for each lap, a scoreboard that says the all time, monthly and weekly time records for each different maps. I thought of making an ultra technological race track in my friends smp and everyone loved the idea.

  1. nice idea. I voted. Could change boat appearance and particles.
  2. don’t say “don’t forget to vote”. It’s patronising. And might discourage people from voting.
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It’s not big of a deal for me. Overall voting a topic you like is an essential part of the discussion if you want it to be implemented into the server.

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How is it patronising? If you feel patronised by that you probably shouldn’t have access to the internet. (You not being unimaginative58, but rather whoever is reading this post)

also it is much more common than you think that people leave a reply saying they whole heartedly agree with it hope to see it added, and then don’t vote (sometimes even typing out the word voted and still not).

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With hive being the quality over detailed server they are known for I think it would make more sense to create a regular high detailed racing game instead of a simple game that can be created in a creative world

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This is similar to the idea of turning the mounts into a racing game. The physics are almost the same :smiley: and I love both ideas. The Hive needs a racing game!!


Im just giving the idea, if they do implement it, im sure they’re gonna come up with nice coded features.

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Yes, I was thinking this too. Also mounts are wacky, they slide a bit, I think that’s the closest you’re able to get to boat races.

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Its just to rememeber people, if there was a dislike button I’d still say to express your opinion. Because on youtube for example, I myself sometimes really enjoy a video and I forget to like, but I agree that sometimes they say to like the video tm.

Sorry. It’s because it feels forced.