New gamemode for murder mystery!

teams: there will be 6 teams of 2 inncocents, there will be a team of murderers as well as a team of sheriffs, the goal is to be the last team with most particiapnts or the survivors of the murderer team, this mode will have variants of 4 players teams and trios.

extreme mode: players amount is same as normal mode, but: ito unlinnocents can only use a power giver ONCE, and speedness dures less and you cant add the time effects last by buying instantly other power while having other, night vision will be the most common power, and prices are 1.5 higher, for example to buy a power it will cost 7 coins, and they cant talk, sherrifs zapper munition takes 2x more time to recharge, and its arrow is slower, and the murdurer has 2 throwables and goes 1.3x faster; however you will need at least level 8 or 7 in normal murder mystery to unlock this mode.

town mode: 3 murderers, 3 sherrifs, and 25 inncocents! its played like normal murder mystery though, but with more players! (in maps like spaceship there will be 4 suits and thing like that)

well thats it, i will might update this

Okay First, don’t make lists, as the hive wouldn’t know which gamemode people wanted the most.

Second, aren’t Team just plain Murder Mystery but with more murderers, just use a custom server to add more murderer.

Third, Extreme mode sounds like more of a custom server option than a new Murder Mystery Gamemode, so nope.

Fourth, isn’t Town Mode, just a mega mode, and the hive would require bigger maps, and it’s gonna feel like hide and seek than Murder Mystery after a while.


Absolutely no night vision potions! They are useless, it really pisses me off when I get night vision on Manor. They need to remove night vision from that pot.

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tru, if u have a Fulbright mod its completely useless unless hive makes Fullbright bannable

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