Netherite ore (ancient debris) in Skywars

I think it would be cool if there were ancient debris in Skywars. Cool if it would be very rare and you can only find it in the middle of the map (Where the mystery chests spawn) and it would give you netherite armor and netherite swords.

By the time you break it with your iron pickaxe, the game will have ended. Plus netherite gear with its knockback resistance is overpowered.


The Hive team has already said that they are not going to add netherite of any kind to their server, but if they do decide to add it, they said it’s not going to be anytime soon.

Also, welcome to The Hive forums!!

I don’t believe that they’ve ever explicitly said they won’t ever be adding netherite gear, but I agree that it’s unlikely to be coming anytime soon. Definitely a possibility but probably not a priority :slight_smile:


I don’t remember where I saw it, but I remember one of the team members had said that. But, like you said, it’s definitely not a priority now, and it won’t be or for a while if they do decide to add it.

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Hello :wave:
This seems to be a duplicate suggestion, please search for your idea before posting it to avoid duplicates :grin:


Duplicate:- Netherite tier stuff