Nerf protection armor

Bunp, to get this post some more publicity

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Yeah sometimes it is absorption heart but from the data he has prot 1 is literally making it so that he takes no damage having prot 1 can make or break a game. Iā€™ve been though it aswell

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i had 5 absorbtion hearts prot chestplate dia prot helm boot dia and dia leggings aand i was basically a tank it shouldnt be nerfed tho as everyone can get it

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I agree prot is very op

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maybe like keep only the helmet or boot or chestplate

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Bruh I legit comboed someone with dia helmet protection 1, he hit me like 6 times so I died, but I hit him at least 3x more, bruhā€¦
prot is soooo overpowered


prot is basically a automatic win for you if youā€™re atleast kinda good at pvp. you have to combo them into the void if you want just a chance of winning the game. and once you get prot boots and a helmet. you dont take damage from a sharp 2 iron sword. so hive should nerf it because its so op its stupid


Or make it extremely rare

no remove it, itā€™s so OP


In this video I have double prot (protection 1 boots and helmet) and im being slowly killed by a noob. he has a sharp 1 or 2 and heā€™s dealing HALF HEARTS OF DAMAGE TO ME Thatā€™s absolutely ridiculous! that means that if you had a diamond sword coming face to face with someone with double prot you basically have to combo them into the void because its so OP.

Oh also im not cross teaming pls no ban D:


Ok okā€¦ here me out
The actual way I get prot on my armor is by mining emerald ore.
Sry me pvp noob som I donā€™t even try the mystery chest
Soā€¦ make it so that emerald ores only drop weapons?

Iā€™m bumping this because the Prot 1 Helmet and Boots are completely overpowered and need to be either removed or nerfed.
It literally lets you get hit like an infinite amount of times.


Iā€™m not exactly sure why it only has 33 votes

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Oh yeah, this should definitely be nerfed. A few weeks ago, i had full diamond and a protection helmet in skywars, and two people with stone swords were hitting me. I realized i didnt take damage. I just said, ā€œTrust me, youā€™re not doing damage.ā€ They finally left after realizing I truly didnt. A bit too op.

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ngl this is true. I once accidentally featured a dude with prot in my hackbusters series, thinking that was hacks. Itā€™s literally unimaginable to me, that if ur lucky enough, you can be virtually indestructible.


theonly way to beat prot 1 is to make them do oopsies or run or if you know ho to combo knock him/her off the island


is it a bug or is it a intended feature? Ik that in normal mc (in mc worlds) it takes way less hits to die

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Probably intended since they havenā€™t changed it after so long

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Uh why hasnā€™t this been added yet.