My skywars ideas when new hub arrives

  1. Skywars + Kits
    Here are my suggestions:
  • New map idea: The kitchen. :fork_and_knife:
  • New enchanted book: Spell of Strength (does not change anything if you have a weapon with sharpness. :muscle:
  • Add splash bottles (weakness, instant health etc). :blobheart:

The instant health splash potion isnt necessary since spell books exist but im fine with the weakness as long as it isnt too op

For the book of strength, probably not, the (enchanted) swords are good enough.


Great suggestion, but this belongs in #suggestions:skywars.

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i like the hive for its uniqe features and such adding spell bottles and all that makes it seem like cubecraft. the spell of strength would be op in my opinion.

It would ne the samd as having a normal diamond or iron sword just with sharpness 1. It doesnt work for already stronger weapons such as the enchanted versions

yeah but that would mean a stone could do the same as the iron and diamond. i think if you have a stone sword you should get the punishment of lower damage!

Sharpness increases damage by 1.25 per level.

Strength increases damage by 3 per level.

Also: You are only allowed to have 1 suggestion per post so people know what they are voting for