Murderer/Sheriff Gadgets

The idea: More items for Murderer and Sheriff to use

These gadgets will items both roles start with and they are only 1 Time use items for a MM round.
like how the murderer has a Nether star as a throwable more of stuff like that will be added.

Gadgets the Murderer will start with

  1. (item) Gives all Innocents Slowness for 15 seconds.
  2. (item) Gives all Innocents Nausea for 15 seconds
  3. (item) Gives all Innocents Blindness for 15 seconds

These will be useful when your the murderer and about to enter a room full of people with bows.

Items for the Sheriff

  1. (item) Like Those special arrows on java and outline will be around the murderer for 10 seconds and only the Sheriff can see the outline.

this will be useful in game when the murderer is not killing people so you can get the idea of who it is and save people lots of time.

last notes: No coins can get these items back you only have them once and once you use it you can not use it again.

And if anyone has anything to add on to this idea tell me…

Would the murderer have slowness? Because if not it would be really easy to spot the murderer