You should make an individual post for that if that is not a duplicate, that’s really good!
I am also building a Christmas version of the haunted mansion (Christmas mansion) But I will share more information on Wednesday
I am absolutely in love with this idea! voted, but I think the grasshopper, being able to jump 3 blocks high, would be able to escape certain maps… I just think it would get out out of control, but maybe im wrong! good idea.
MM doesn’t have THAT big of a community compared to TW or BW now if you wanna say that. Keeping some sort of originality with the gamemode will keep OG players who’ve played for years and upcoming players around.
No hate but doing such will make mm turn into among us if it was a block game. I don’t see any benefit with all these ‘possible’ roles that could exist, if MM was originally dedicated to play the 3 common roles. It’ll just feel like they’ll overdo an update over making the gamemode better overall
BUMP! It’s been a long time
BUMP! New map coming later today…