Murder Mystery Bows/Sword not killing players

Affected Service (Game name, hub or global):: Murder Mystery
What was affected: The bow and the sword do not kill players, only the murderer’s throwable

What is the bug?
Explanation of the bug: The innocents can only win if the timer runs out. Otherwise, the murderer wins using the throwable because the innocents/sheriff cannot kill/defend themselves from the murderer

Screenshots and/or video:
Screenshots of the bug, if it applies: Don’t got any

I first noticed this around 9:30am (eastern time). This seems like something that really disrupts the gameplay so hopefully it’s fixed soon. Also I play on Xbox but it seems that everyone in the murder mystery game is affected regardless of their platform.

Did anyone else notice this??

Hey there :wave:

This has been fixed and a patch is rolling out :slightly_smiling_face:

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