Goldrush out of map

Affected Service (Game name, hub or global):
Murder Mystery and Hide and Seek

What is the bug?
In Murder Mystery, theres a visual glitch (works for alot of people) in office map where you can see through heads using walls.

In Hide and Seek, breaking blocks is allowed and can let players break their way to places that are outside of the map.

Screenshots and/or video:


Hide and Seek Bug outside boundaries
1 - 2:36 | 1st boundary bug on goldmine
2 - 3:19 | 2nd boundary bug on goldmine
3 - 2:05 | 3rd boundary bug on goldmine, seeker lobby
There could be more boundary bugs because you can break blocks while being a seeker.

Murder Mystery Visual Glitch
1 - 6:29 visual glitch on office map
There could be more visual glitches because of the 3d models on other maps or heads.

Hey there :wave:

Thank you for submitting a bug report.

I have logged the map escape issues and they will be looked into soon. The visual bug (involving tripwires on some Murder Mystery maps) has already been logged.

In future, please only report one bug per thread. Make sure to read the read before posting thread before creating another report:


The patched map has been rolled out :slight_smile: