Murder mistery improvements (it)

Affected Language:

Affected Service (Game name, hub, or menu):
Murder mistery

Affected Text:

  1. Cerca di non morire. Raccogli monete d’oro per ottenere ricompense
  2. No squadre! Chi fa squadra sarà espulso

Suggested Text:

  1. Cerca di non morire. Raccogli le monete d’oro per ottenere ricompense
  2. niente squadre! Chi fa squadra sarà espulso

Explanation of Issue:

  1. I suggest adding an article to the word “coins”.
  2. “no” in this case isn’t very correct and “niente” would be More appropriate. “No” is mostly used to say no to a question

Screenshots and/or video:

Thanks for submitting suggested translation improvements!

After discussing your suggestions with our translators, we have decided to implement your second suggestion, but have decided to keep the text about coins as it is, as it is an accurate translation of the English text.

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