More Mailbot Messages!

Let me get straight to the point. We need more Mailbot messages. We get one every month or so (aka not enough). Recently Treasure Wars and Hide & Seek got a level update. I feel like those are the updates we should get from Mailbot. This could help inform new[er] players (and even some OG ones) about the updates. Not every person that plays Hive is in the discord or on the forums, so it would be nice for them to get some of that information as well. :slight_smile:

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Agree I would be nice to have it once a week for example but not more common then that.

I don’t think anything useful would be announced most of the time if they did it weekly.

I only see a need for mailbot messages to be sent out about game changing events/updates (something like the hive update page)


I didn’t specifically say weekly. Just updates like how Tw got 25 new levels. (Unless you were talking to Vortex)

I would ike to see updates in mailbot just like from the Hive Bedrock updates page but I also think they should add a toggle for Mailbox mail in case they don’t want it.

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i feel like this is kinda a dupe of my suggestion…

what was your suggestion? i couldn’t seem to find any dupes.

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you’re probably right as this is a dupe

sorry about that

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what i want right now is less mailbot messages

why does he keep advertising hivetok stop it

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Duplicate suggestion