More Interactive Things for Innocents - Murder Mystery

One if my biggest problems with any Murder Mystery game is how boring the Innocent role seems. For a role you are going to get a lot, it seems kind of empty.

In each map, I think there should be different things you can do other than just run around and collect coins as an innocent. One example could be moving boxes with a forklift in Warehouse, or something of the sort.

This could also be changed with the Coming SoonTM quests. It could also give Innocents other tasks to accomplish, whether they be easy or hard.

In any way, I believe that the Innocent role has too little to do and should have extra activities in the game for the Innocents.

I agree with this idea but too much things to do as Innocents may complicate the game for younger players, but the development team can still add some things to do for them, because I also think that Innocent role is very boring, and I get this role 95% of the time so… yes, it’s boring.