MM: Getting Rid of Party Chat while dead in Murder Mystery


When you die in Murder Mystery, you will no longer be able to use the party chat feature until the game is over to avoid people telling people in their party who the murderer/sheriff is or is not. You would be able to use party chat after the round has ended/before the round has started.

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i think this is way out of the hives control

I think there may have been a little misunderstanding here - I am talking about the in-game party chat feature.


You can vote your own suggestion! You are talking about /pc right?

I sure am :))


oh mb i thought you were talking about voice party chat

I dont use chat, but i see what you mean

YES I mean party chat is too op when ur murd and ur friends spectate and tell u who it is they cheat with that all the time

Omg VOTED, i always see people in a party tell the other party members who the murderer is, it’s sooo annoying

This is a good idea but why add a hindrance to those who aren’t teaming and aren’t voice chatting

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True. It would be a pain for non teamers/ghosters

while i see the point, wouldnt this just make it harder on the majority of legit players who meet and party together on only the server?

If this happened people who cheat would just start using Discord instead of Party Chat, so it just makes things harder to moderate overall

Edit: A better instalment to this idea is to disable only Spectator Chat while you are viewing the game. Graveyard chat would still be enabled and alive chat would still be enabled, but when you enter spectator then you will have chat perms disabled.

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