Max Rank/Plus

Max Rank

Now i’ve been wanting this forever but i think it would be cool if Hive could add a new rank kinda like Hive Plus but Max Plus, this rank can only be gained if you’re max level in every gamemode, i dont know how this will work since Hive added prestiges, but i definitely think this is needed especially for all the long time players who have been playing for years.

Also i think the rank colour should be dark blue to give it a nice aesthetic

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I don’t think a new rank is needed for something like this.

I think a special costume awarded if you do max out all game modes would be much more fitting and much cooler.


thats not what i envisioned, you can literally buy a costume from the hive store, but a new rank that you can earn from hard work is sm better than a costume that isn’t really gonna do you justice, plus it will motivate people to play more and Hive wants an active player base so everyone wins.

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this could be a future rank but currently they said they have no plans of adding a new rank yet. Do you envision this rank to include maxing out ltm?


as for the ltm modes it wouldn’t really count towards getting the rank, since those gamemodes get removed by time like Ghost Invasion, Block Drop, Snow Wars etc.

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There are already some suggestions about new ranks, i think a rank for being maxed on every gamemode would be useless, especially now since most games arent finish yet as the max level cap will be higher in the future

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First of all, i don’t think many people would get this rank so implementing it would be a bit pointless. Secondly, why a rank? Like what was mentioned before, you could instead change it to a costume or even a title.

Also not every costume can be purchased from the store that’s why certain costumes are deemed “rare” as it is impossible to collect them anymore. Like costumes you can buy for 500 QP every month.


all games are finished, they just update the levels because people keep getting max over time

Yeah, it’s supposed to be exclusive/rare, but it’ll come with its own set of problems. With a prefix before your name, it’s going to be flat out impossible to not get targeted because of your rank. The Hive also probably won’t give /nick to that rank as well.

So, why not have an exclusive costume? Not all players will know that that person has maxed out all game modes, and it does the same purpose as the rank, just with less problems

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Players with this rank would be targeted more often.

Some would also think they’re superior over other players without the rank or otherwise “intimidate” those without it, like what once happened with the Regular rank here on the forums. Regular is being removed for that reason.

Quote from the Hive Team regarding Regular:

Point is if this were to be implemented it would just cause more dissent within the community. Nobody wants that.

I mean its basically one of the most hardest ranks to get so I wouldn’t be surprised if Hive added /nick to it, they can definitely work around it and make it happen, and again costumes doesn’t do it justice, not even the core of player base uses costumes/known players, sure they’ll use it time to time but not all the time, mainly new players uses costumes but thats just my opinion, I can see what your trying to say and I respect ur opinion, I just think the rank tops everything off when it comes to showing your dedication to Hive

Hive isn’t going to add /nick to the rank. Mark my words.

/nick is only going to be given to content creators and hive staff because they both help grow the hive in some way. (eg; QA testing or making videos about Hive). A rank that’s given to people just because they maxed out the game, and they don’t benefit the hive, won’t have /nick included

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