Map Preview At Voting Time

Idea: Map Preview At Voting Time

[At voting time players are can’t see the maps.]

Please add map preview!

I think this should be implemented in Treasure Wars first since its more popular.
On another note, it’s weird that the Hive added it to Block Drop. I wonder why…


It’s most likely coming in the season 1 update.
Also I’m sure it’s planned for all games to have it, but they probably rushed the arcade a bit so they didn’t get time to implement it into all the games.

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This post is under the capture the flag category, so I think they’re meaning specifically in capture the flag.

Welcome to the Forums! :smile:

They actually do this for a lot of game modes, but it’s hard to keep up with making previews considering how often the Hive gets updated. But I see your point of view! :smile:

I think they mean in the map voting screen. You know how the map voting looks in MM? I think that’s what they’re suggesting; to fix the map voting screen so you can see images of the maps you can vote for. Also in BP the only map is just the lobby (When you die you can go back to the lobby spawn.) so I think it’s a bit different.

This is a duplicate.