Make it possible for the humans to win

Right now, I’ve been playing Ghost Invasion, and I have yet to see the humans win. I think the main contributing factors are that the ghosts are faster than humans, their kill ability is no skill, and they grow in numbers. Humans on the other hand, are slower than ghosts, have a weapon the takes skill, and decrease in numbers over time. Some ways I think this could be fixed are:

  1. Reduce the shot cool down for humans
  2. Remove the speed ghosts get when they are ignited
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This is legit so true the only reason I like being human is to shoot the ghosts but its literally impossible to win unless u have the best hiding spot ever.


Or give humans respawns

Hmm. I don’t think it’s that hard, I’ve already won as a human a few times, and removing the shot cooldown for the humans would make it very easy to kill everyone. I’m indifferent on this, maybe just lower the ghosts’ lives


I think this contributes to it being too easy to level up.
Another way to fix this could be to make ghosts bigger, so they’re easier to hit.
Bruh I got infected from at least 6 blocks

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How on Earth did you do it? I’ve won once, because I camo hid the entire game

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I did that and got 5 kills

And then died after surviving for about 70 seconds

I feel like the only problem is that the gun seems a bit janky & clips off of stuff too easily

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I just had another idea; The zapper could have multishot, so crowd control is easier

Multishot and having ghost respawns 50-75 would help

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its very possible for humans to win, ive won many games as a human and been in a few games as a ghost where the humans have won :thinking:


It definitely is possible, it’s just rather rare :smiley: