Make Frozen Boom Boxes In Sky Wars Give U Weakness for 4 seconds

I think Frozen Boom boxes should give Weakness for 4 seconds. I think this would this would make sense because it would make it seem like you are actually being frozen since it’s hard to do anything when you are frozen. This would give a bigger use for frozen boom boxes. I still think it should also still keep slowness.

“Cool” suggestion! I’m not sure if I like this though, since I feel like this could potentially make frozen boom boxes too powerful. :+1:


They will bee given a better use. I think it could maybe be a less amount of time. Maybe 2 seconds instead of 4


Let’s be nice to new users. No need to call it horrible! Let’s give constructive criticism instead of just calling it bad. :smile:


Weakness is just a tad bit overpowered if you ask me. You probably can’t do anything to win the fight if it’s used on you, especially with the slowness.


Oh wait it’s NukeJolt! Hi!!

anyway. I think this would be good but possibly could be overpowered


This guy is too wholesome and nice!

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Weakness and Slowness seems pretty overpowered…
You’re left defenseless while the enemy is free to make as many hits as he wants on you.
Maybe if the time that it lasts was cut by a few seconds then it would be balanced


I’d say remove 4 seconds from the time with weakness