Make a uhc/pvp type game

Alright, Alright, I haven’t been on the forums for 2 mouths (Lacking for just how bad it is) but i feel like the hive could use a new game. I feel as though the hive is the only feature server which doesn’t have survival based gamemode. But I have feeling that they don’t add one cause they want to be know as a competitive pvp server. So If that is the case (not saying it is) Why not add UHC? I feel like the hive could make an amazing twist with the genre and I think it would be decently successful. I don’t have any ideas of what they would add to spice up the genre. But I do feel like they would add something like this in future. If anyone has some sort of ideas than let me know, im curious!

Sorry, but this suggestion is a dupe. Make sure to use the search bar next time!
Original Post: New Game Suggestion: UHC

As for the actual topic of UHC, it would be cool to have and interesting to see what hive could do.


Welcome back! :smile: What if it was a UHC Blitz instead? I like the idea but UHCs (from what I understand) take a while to end.

I don’t see what he did wrong. He wasn’t criticizing you in any way and I feel like your reactions are uncalled for and rather extreme.


Welcome back to the Forums! I hope things go better and you enjoy your stay :blobheart:

Sorrel Summary

Also I know I haven’t been using the Forums lately, but I just wanted to stop by and say hi, though I will still be inactive.