Lets Get the Good Old Days back for Just a Day!

SO i have been playing hive since a long time i guess 2018… I just remember the old hub so much!!! I remember there were only 3 games at the beginning… can we get a week to expirence the old memories… the old maps :slight_smile:

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this sounds cool but i dont think hive ever removed a map in a game

They may have some difficulties retrieving all the old maps but I would love to go back to the original hub for a week.

Jolly’s made a response about Dave and not keeping outdated visualize for nostalgia, however I am not sure if the Hive team would have a similar response for returning to old maps and hub.


Trust me, nostalgia is one hell of a drug. I can guarantee your memories are better than the actual experience - it’s how us humans work.

Unfortunately, a lot of this stuff is - gone. It would be too much work to achieve, when we can be working on the future games and experience.

So I’m gonna have to be a “bad man” and say no to this. Sadge.