Lategame stuff

So imagine yourself having stack of emeralds after all your teammates and enemies play overdefensively. Right now the best you can buy are a few stacks of pearls, some dories and obsidian.

I guess for such op items i have thought of fair price would be 32 emeralds or something like that.

  1. Totem of undying (price increased to a stack of emeralds and a stack of diamonds)
  2. Final gen upgrade that will start producing 1 emerald in 5 seconds (scraped)
  3. Team upgrade for sharpness 1 on all your swords
  4. Team upgrade that reduces all shop prices by 1/4 rounding to more expensive (scraped)

If you have ideas to improve it, please reply

emerald should be high price+ you have to wait until 5:00 on the timer to get it

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which thing are you talking about?

Emerald gen only for 1:00 and you have to wait 2:00 before being able toi buy it again

maybe every 3 diamonds the team generator drops 1 emerald

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Final Gen Upgrade :skull:

final gen upgrade is an absolute NO. :sob:
that would literally mean campers could become even more op and be able to afford dorys while only leaving their base TWICE the entire game (diamond gens and emerald gens) :no_entry_sign: NO THIS UPGRADE

if final gen was added, you could literally wait lets go with slimeball’s response of 1 per 3 diamonds, it would require waiting for 48 diamonds or 96 iron/gold to be able to afford it again… (stats are for squads)

Totems :innocent:

totems would be too OP :skull: because people could run forever just to die and literally come back from the dead… plus, you could technically wait at mid for FOUR minutes to afford one of these totems at the start, which becomes more OP later when emeralds spawn in 10s and you only have to wait 1m 20s before you could get another totem… and another… until you have so many you just cant die… :sob: imagine runners after totems

my idea for totems would be only one time and after you die your gen stops working so it is much harder, as well as the shopkeeper doubling the price of your items since if you were that rich to get one, he might want to inflate his prices. Note that other shopkeepers do normal prices but it would be much harder to access.


Sharpness would be a pretty good idea… thats all I have to say about sharpness… :joy:

Reduced Shop Prices

seems OP… that would mean you could then afford everything else for 24 emeralds which I still thought 32 was little XD :skull: