Just Build - A New Useful Command: /floor pattern

On Xbox/console you can use the up D-pad to go to previous messages/chats. You could just type “/floor pattern” beforehand, say in the lobby, and then once you’re in the game go to chat, press the up D-pad to go back to the command, and use it again. That way there’s no typing and it only takes a couple seconds, the same as any command would take. Before I go into any Just Build game, I always make sure to send “/floor” and sometimes “/queue” in case I ever need to use them in quick access.

That being said I wouldn’t be opposed to a popup either, given that we do that for theme voting.


Yeah, I think a pop up is generally a better way to go because I feel like having to write commands before the game starts is a bit of a clunky solution


It’s been 5 months. Bump


awesome idea voted

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Just a question: Give me one theme where this can actually be…used?

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It would be really useful but also difficult to use as command.
It would be better to have a sort of shop like in Hypixel where there is a villager (to change the arena and ecc.) to use this.

Why would it be difficult? Hive could just put some directions once you try to break the ground, like they do for the normal /floor.

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Good idea! Also if you could add this in your suggestion, i would love to have a random pattern like if I want a grass floor, mixing a bit with green wool or moss with be good.

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