Just a few suggestions for the almost perfect patch

Hello Humans,
I’ve played maybe a good 2-3 hours of the preview for the update and its pretty much perfect, my only objection is the price of iron armor, I feel like it should be more like 15-17 diamonds, its possible to get 12 WAY too quickly if you’re rushing from the side and not giving them time to go through diamond gen. If you are keeping the pressure on enough then you should be able to bridge over to diamond gen fast enough and grab 12 diamonds and proceed to ruin your neighbor’s game.

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Hello! This is pretty good suggestion, and as so belongs in #suggestions:treasure-wars.
To change this, click on the pencil icon and then click on the drop down for the category. Scroll down until you see it, click it, and hit save


hmm. Lemme guess tnt price still hasn’t been dropped to 5 diamonds yet :confused:


Sadly not… I wish it was though. If glass and tnt were changed to be diamonds, there isn’t much I would change at all.


hi there i have been play Hive treasure wars since servers were add to bedrock
and i also play Hypixle and its weird go back and forth because if you died and some one is at your base you can’t stop them because you don’t have leather armor or a wooden sword so you can’t kill then unless you hit then off and you can only take like 4 hits

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