Item movement is smooth in Treasure Wars and Survival Games, but not SkyWars

Game affected: SkyWars
Region tested: NA (Probably affects all regions)

Bug info: The movement of dropped items in Survival Games and Treasure Wars is super smooth and nice to look at. However, for some reason, the movement of dropped items in SkyWars is all kinds of stuttery and its not very fun to look at.

Platform/version: Windows 10 edition (1.17.10)

Screenshots and/or video:
→ Treasure Wars item movement
→ Survival Games item movement
→ SkyWars item movement


Hey there :wave:

Thanks for submitting a bug report.

Although this is a bug, it is intentional. Currently, if we were to implement the smooth item movement seen in other games on SkyWars, it would prevent players from being able to mine blocks when looking at a dropped item.

I have logged this issue. Although this isn’t a priority, we hope to look into finding a solution to this issue in the future.

Have a great day :slightly_smiling_face:


This issue was fixed in recent updates.