Hive Winstreak Leaderboard

So pretty much my idea is similar to the one on Hypixel, it will pop up either by using a command or just showing up when you load into a game. It will show Daily winstreaks or either all time. I’m currently grinding for it and have no idea what the top is.

it would look similar to this format

Daily Winstreak

  1. (username) (wins)
    and would go on from there.
    I hope you guys like this and would consider it. (a hub title for highest winstreak would be cool too haha)
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Hey there :wave:

It has already been said that the hive will not be adding winstreaks to the leaderboard due to the toxicity it would cause.

This is also a duplicate suggestion. Which you can find here:

And here:

Have a great day :blobheart:

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I’m curious, how would it cause toxicity? It’s practically the same as Monthly Leaderboard. It also adds more competition and more motivation to grinding as monthly leaderboard for normal wins means practically nothing.


people will start targeting people on the leaderboard, doing anything to make them lose. even partying with them and requeue so it can be counted as a lose for them

This quite literally already happens but no one cares apparently. Plus the whole put of a winstreak is to get wins and beat everyone, there is almost no difference.


ur point is valid, but adding the other leaderboards would cause additional toxicity.

it’s too late to remove leaderboards, but they don’t have to add new ones.

I don’t dislike or even really disgree w ur suggestion, just pointing this out.

either way it’s a dupe.

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I still don’t see what you guys mean by additional toxicity, if people get sniped all day long in queues but staff doesn’t do anything to help the grinders then what’s the matter? This happens on a day-to-day basis but nothing happens to them. They don’t have to add the leaderboards but I just want to get my point across because some of you guys have no idea what happens in the grinding scene and it’s disgusting. (Pretty much it will be no different than normal leaderboard grinding in terms of what you call “toxicity”).

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As mentioned this is a duplicate suggestion, and can add any thoughts onto the original post =)

Duplicate Suggestion