Gifts Dropped in Hub Being Claimed Instantly/Disappearing

Affected Service (Game name, hub or global):
Gifting, Hub

What is the bug?
There seems to be a glitch where after you drop a click to claim gift in the hub, it is instantly claimed or disappears. My friend and I worked together demonstrate this bug. We went to an area where there were absolutely no players that could have claimed it, and you’ll see neither of us claimed it ourselves. You place it down, it gives the message that someone dropped a gift, then you get the gift found message seconds later. Times and dates are visible on screen.

The first four screenshots are of his screen. Walking you through them, you see his gifting menu, the choice of costume (banana), he’s about to click drop (12:58 am) and lastly you see his costume menu does not contain the banana costume, demonstrating he didn’t accidentally claim it (1 am).

The next three screenshots are mine. I stood far enough away so that you can see there are no nearby players in any direction. He drops it (12:58 am), it is claimed seconds later (12:58 am). Then you can see my costume menu also does not contain the banana costume (12:59 am).

Sorry for such a large amount of detail, I just wanted to make sure I didn’t leave anything out considering gifting involves real money.

Screenshots and/or video:

(End of his screenshots, beginning of mine)

Hey there,

This isn’t actually a bug. When you place a gift, it is placed in all hubs on the region that you are playing on.

We’ll be making this more clear in the near future :slightly_smiling_face: