Get yt rank for getting 100 subs and 10000 view

just a normal rank that lets you have /nickname /disguise
the color of the rank is also red

it is just for smaller ytbers

Hello! Welcome to the Forums! :wave:

While this is still a possibility that the Hive could add, they generally can’t give /nick to too many people for player safety reasons :frowning_with_open_mouth:

More about this here.

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Welcome to the forums!
A lot of youtubers reach 100 subs but it doesnt mean it is an established channel. Youtube rank would only make sense when more people know about the user rather than only a couple of hundred.
I wish it were like this but at the same time i get why its not.

But as twobytes said, this is indeed a dupe!


It’s just a no for me this doesn’t seem like this would be good for our current Youtube ranks because no one will know these creators, Welcome to the forums :cubee:

This is not a duplicate suggestion.

I was simply linking Splodger’s reply to another similar question about letting too many people use /nick.

However let’s keep the replies on-topic now :slightly_smiling_face:

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I personally run two TikTok accounts with 5K and 11K and I wouldn’t even call those extremely established as they run off a couple viral videos. :frowning:

The reason I wouldn’t call them established is because they don’t create continuous content with a consistent amount of views, it varies massively! :upside_down_face:

The youtube rank and partner ranks have so many requirements, like consistent views and a large sub count is because subscribers are usually built over a long period of creating content, not just from one single piece of content! :smile:

Just giving the reasons why these requirements may not necessarily work, interesting idea though!



  1. Anyone can get 100 subs
  2. 10k views is a bit too much since not a lot of Hive videos from small creators get that much views.
  3. Hive doesn’t let anyone (who isn’t a part of their partner program) /nick for player safety reasons.

then how about getting a {normal yt}rank and let others see that youre a youtuber?

They still wont give out YT rank to anyone who doesn’t meet their requirements so this is definitely not going to happen.


The requirements for our partner program are under constant review, but we currently have no plans to modify them.