Get sheriff's hat with a arrow

Occasionally, sheriff hat will be camp point of the murder.
so I think it is more tactical that the one arrow of your hope have the ability of that.

Most of the time for me I hide my bow so the murderers that find and kill the sheriff first it will be harder

The would be better if the hat went on while they were holding the bow

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If the murderer is camping at the sherif hat and you were to shoot an arrow at the hat, wouldn’t you be better off just shooting the murderer?


you know easily that the killer is hiding near hat, becacuse you can show the log.
something like as:
aaa murdered
sherif is gone.
sherif hat is got.
bbb murdered.
sherif is gone.
sherif hat is got.
ccc murdered.
sherif is gone.
sherif hat is got.

The hat with shiny particle is easy visible from far.
but you can find him easily?