German translation bug🇩🇪

Affected Language:

Affected Service (Game name, hub, or menu):
In the sky wars menu

Affected Text:
Baue Glückserze ab, um beute zu erhalten und kämpfe dann!
Das letzte übrige Team gewinnt.

Suggested Text:
Baue die erze ab um beute zu erhalten, kämpfe dann gegen andere spieler um den sieg!
Das letzte übrige team gewinnt.

Explanation of Issue:
The grama in the first text is not right! The word luckyores is axually not an word in germany so i would recommend to say ores insterd. At the end of the blue text it says: figt then, what is a bad grama! Insterad i would say: then fight agenst other players to win.

Screenshots and/or video:

Hey there,

After discussion, we have decided to keep the current string, as it matches the English text, as seen below: