Game Suggestions

I have suggested a game that I believe people will enjoy. The game is called Capture the flag. The play of the game is to get to the other team by using the recourses that is given to you. The resources include gold, iron, and diamonds. (armor is not included.) Iron helps with weapons and tools such as; blocks, stone swords, and stone pickaxes.
Gold helps with weapons and accessories such as; iron sword, ender perls, and golden apples. Diamonds can be used for speeding up the generators, bows, enchanted golden apples, an elytra, and help protect the base (using dogs or zombies to attack the other team.) There will be a portal to send you up to this area where you can use the elytra to fly down at the other teams base. Diamond generators will be on the sides of the middle and in the middle. Gold and iron generators will be in the base near where people spawn. The flags should be on the side of the building. And yes you can attack the other team. It’s an easy and fun game to play.

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Hey! this has been suggested by MANY other people! Please use the search icon :mag: to see if someone has already posted something along the lines of your idea.

Hope you have a good day!


Here is a link to a capture the flag thread that hasn’t been locked.

Have a good day!

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