Free Hubtitle If Your Forum Idea Is Accepted

I do not agree with this suggestion of having an exclusive title given to those that have an suggestion accepted for the following reasons:

  1. Users would not put effort into making suggestions anymore and would try to make many suggestions instead (quantity over quality). A similar issue already applies to translation bug reports. Many users just use an automated translation service or ask friends speaking other languages in order to get that hub title, which means that the way of obtaining a certain title can easily be exploited. This would also lead to MANY duplicate suggestions being created.

  2. Making suggestions should be about helping The Hive to gather feedback on what the community wants to see, not about a hub title (which connects to the issue above)

  3. It always depends on what idea gets accepted. If a new command for example gets implemented then you can say that it was a ‘deserved’ accepted suggestion, however if it was something very small that didn’t even require a new suggestion (e.g. “Old 3D Models Refresh”, “Pigment: put the cube arrow in the third hotbar slot”, “Not make snowballs usable during countdown”), it doesn’t necessary require a reward. :sweat_smile: