Forum Changes 08/06/22

Today, we have introduced some changes to the forums:

Removal of Various Topics

As you may have noticed, the forums look slightly different to how they did before.

As of today, we have removed all sections other than the areas for bug reporting and suggestions.

Whilst we have always enjoyed seeing players getting involved in the discussion on our forums, we oftentimes found that the forums were mainly being used by users that do not play on The Hive.

Forum moderation also added a huge amount of work for our volunteer moderators. We’d rather that they be able to focus their efforts on The Hive itself, and our Discord server, and ensure that they are as fun, and above all, safe, as they can be.

Our Discord server is a great place to get involved in Hive-related discussions. Whether you want to discuss one of our games, or just talk about The Hive more generally, our Discord server has dedicated channels for all of this!

All the information about joining our Discord server can be found here.

Bug Reports & Suggestions

The bug reporting and suggestions sections of our forums have always been incredibly helpful, and they won’t be going anywhere!

Please continue to submit bug reports and discuss suggestions as before; we will be making the guidelines for these areas clearer in the coming days.

Where can I get help?

If you have a question or need support, we recommend joining our Discord server, where we have a dedicated help channel, staffed by members of our team.

You can also reach out directly to our support team, who aim to respond to queries within 24 hours. All of the information about how you can contact them can be found here.

Our support site also contains the answers to a lot of frequently asked questions, be sure to check it out if you have a question.

Thank you to everyone that was part of our forum community, we look forward to seeing many of you on our Discord server! :cubee: