Feature to make the hub less laggy

The hub is really slow due to all the particles, players, and entities. With a toggle or command, it would remove half/all of the particles, reduce the number of players, and maybe make entities less laggy?

Good suggestion, the hub is really slow :c

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“a command that magically reduces particles, the number of players in your lobby and makes entities less laggy somehow”
am i understanding that right
so uh
how the hell do you propose to do this

So basically you have a command that shuts down entities and particles for u? Idk how the devs would understand this

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It will reduce the particles and players from the hub.

So I can have a command to kick off certain players from the hub?

No, it will just hide some players, just like the /toggleperformance command which doesn’t really do much.

I honestly don’t see how this is possible.
So 1 player can see particles and stuff while the other player can’t with this command.
And Hiding players from the lobby can glitch out and have it happen to other players.
This idea would honestly take time and a lot of effort to make sooooo idk

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some players?? that makes zero sense
if you just want to hide players then something like the hide players in dr maybe
but hiding some players???

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Another thing I want to say is that what if the command hides players you don’t want to hide?

Take a look at this post.

so according to her it hides non friends already
so what is the point of your suggestion

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The hub is still really slow even with that /performance command. There are a lot of particles and entities in the hub that slows down the device. I also done a test on my PC, Mineplex only took 10-20 CPU and Hive took 50-60 CPU which proves the point that Hive’s hub is really slow.

Locked at the request of the original poster.