Factions! (and prisions)

You guys wanna know what other gamemode should be in the Arcade update?? It’s the Factions

Factions gamemode are very amazing. You can make traps to trap people and kill them. You can PVP them randomly and even secret bases. So I think that faction is amazing.

I would also like to add Prison escape gamemode because that will improve the skill of parkour with PVP and also that’s gonna increase your thinking speed and power. So I would love an update that has Factions and Prison gamemode,

Also, don’t make Factions and the Prisons gamemodes buggy like the Block Jump. Block Jump is very buggy and I hate to play it.

  1. Vote for your own suggestion.

  2. Hive wont be adding long term games anytime soon.


I didn’t vote lol. I also want faction so bad

What fishking means is make sure to vote for your own suggestion :))


Okay then guys. and also, duels would be a great idea



When was it suggested?

oct, And duels is a suggestion to btw

Yeah! I know that duels is a suggestion

hive has been a minigame server since it was made and they’ve always said they’re going to focus on minigames rather than long-term games e.g. factions & prisons! it might happen if the server gets a lot more popular but honestly i doubt it - it’s kinda known as a minigame server, and if these gamemodes were to be added it’d take too much away from the minigame community with the amount of players we have <3

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Also, arcade gamemode means small, quick games. Factions is a very long gamemode so it wouldnt fit

Duplicate suggestion.