Did not get "The Sorcerer" hub title

In the hub, after opening all runes
NA server hub. I did not get the hub title “The Sorcerer” even though I said it did in chat and I opened the chest that gives the hub title.

I did not get the hub title “The Sorcerer”
I did not get the hub title “The Sorcerer” even though I said it did in chat and I opened the chest that gives the hub title.

I play on windows 10 newest version

Forgot to screenshot the message


Thanks for taking the time to submit this bug report. We have already taken note of this particular issue, and a fix has already been deployed.

The missing items have been awarded to everyone who experienced this issue. If you’re still missing anything, I’d suggest reaching out to our support team:

Hope you have a wonderful day! :blobheart: