Custom Servers Display

On the /cs page, display currently open Custom Servers that friends are hosting/playing in. There could also be a section for ‘public’ custom servers that anyone can join without a code or invite.

I was thinking that there could be info regarding, has the minigame started yet?, as well as what minigame it is and how many players are currently in the server.
Of course this would only apply to open Custom servers (not private ones). However, if you are invited to a Private Custom server, it could appear here as well.
This would be a much better way of joining your friends Custom Servers rather than through Friends > Join Server.
Thanks for reading! :smile:

I think it’s a nice idea. If the cs is private could there be an option to request access?


Requesting access to a Custom Server is a another topic/suggestion which doesn’t really have anything to do with this, apart from maybe being able to do that from this page.
You can generate codes for that purpose though.

Additionally, let’s try to keep on topic rather than going down another lane.


Maybe there should be something like “View Available Custom Servers” and brings up three tabs with public, private, and friends custom servers.


So like someone can make a cs and put as open, so they generate a code and when someone does /cs their cs will be open to them?


Please keep the thread on the topic at hand.

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I was thinking something like this, also what if there was a list of public custom servers you could join, like if you need more people anyone can join…


That’s what I was saying, but like Orbi said, lets keep this read on topic.


Very good idea! I’d like to know if someone is just playing some TreasureWars solos or in a private WARS custom server :flushed:


I have added an additional section due to comment feedback on the suggestion! :smile:

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I was just thinking of this! You’ve got my vote


thats a great suggestion orbi!

cough heres my topic about requesting for access

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Bump bump bump yes bump

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Bump bump yes bump bump

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But y tho? Just y chikin?

B e c a u s e i t i s a g o o d i d e a.


Bump lol

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Well there was a new suggestion created about this and I really liked it so I guess since that’s technically a dupe we can bring the conversation into this thread

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Bump, because someone bumped a duplicate of this suggestion

I love this idea!