Custom Server TW Free Items Shop Glitch

Affected Service (Game name, hub or global):
Treasure Wars custom servers

What is the bug?
When I invite players to a 1v1 in TW solos and set the shop prices to free, they can’t open the shop. I don’t know if this still happens with more than 2 players, or in duos, etc.

Device(s) & Version
Windows 10, latest version

Screenshots and/or video:
None, RIP

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Hey there :wave:

Thanks for submitting a bug report. I cannot seem to reproduce this - has anyone else experienced this issue, and if so, could you provide any further information about how to reproduce it?


This has happened before in a game with multiple people before. I just died and it reset it.


This has happened to me before when I was playing with @SnowflakeTM on the first day of the cs beta.
Here is the video

I was able to shop normally before that. (Auto bridgers)

And you can notice the shope once opens then breaks again.

Similarly, if you turn off gens and you walk over the gen, one of your slots will stop working (for me it was my first slot, I couldnt open shop with that slot)

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Ohh that makes sense now, the gens were off and I walked over them.
When I could open them I was in another slot

This happened to me too yesterday. Someone had to eventually kill me and then I could use the shop.

This also happened to me, you need to use a different slot to open it

@Splodg3r I believe this is an issue with the generators. When the amount of spawns is 0 it counts as an invisible gold / diamond / emerald and I wasn’t able to open the shop with the item slot or put blocks in this slot. When I tried another inventory slot it worked. :slightly_smiling_face:


this also messes with pvp
when you hold the invisible gold it doesnt let you hit other players but if you change your slot it works properly


This appears to be a result of setting the team summoner amount to 0, this issue has been logged below:

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