Costume randomiser

Pretty self-explanatory, when you go to select your costume there’d be an option called “Random”. You pick that and then your costume will change every game.

This would be good if you have a lot of costumes and don’t want to manually change

nice idea, changing costumes can be tedious if you have quite a few


Welcome to the Fourms! :partying_face: Nice suggestions. You have my vote


nice idea i really like it because i have a lot of costumes. and welcome to the forums🙂

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This is a duplicate suggestion, here is the original one: Random Costume Picker

Next time use the search function before making a topic to see if there are any ideas similar.

@Hlzyzptlk can you lock this please?

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waitwaitwaitwait ik this is kinda off-topic but

the original suggestion only has 6 votes
but the duplicated one has 21???

what is this logic

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welcome to the forums and yeh, I like this idea, maybe a search feature aswell?