Clearer capture requirements in ctf

if both teams have the flag in ctf ten none of them can score, however only the flag holders get told this when they attempt to score.

there should be a notification for the entire team, maybe on a timer that tells you that you need to return your teams flag before you can score.

two reasons why this would benefit the game;

  1. i have been in games where both teams have gotten the flag, and as the flag holder i have been told in chat to score and stop time wasting with the flag, with a notification telling people that i cant score it would more clearly tell players there current goal of returning there flag so they can score. which leads to…

  2. a notification telling them to do so would further encourage players to go after there opponents to return their flag which could act as another way to prevent those long drawn out games where both teams have flags and just camp.

this is not a big fix and i hope the hive can add something like this

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Or lets create a concept shall we?

If both flags are taken, acid mode starts after 30 seconds after both flags are taken. Both flag holders after the 30 seconds will get the “poison” effect until they either die or the a is returned

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i disagree hard with this, poison would make the current flag holders a liability and i think would further encourage camping as they have low health and don’t want to fight. yes slowness is a slight liability but i would still jump into a fight with the flag, i wouldn’t dare jump in with poison tho…it would stop the “flag stalemate” but at the cost of making one of your players useless and taking there enjoyment out of the game by making them a liability.
^^in my opinion.

i always believe in small fixes over big fixes and still believe in my idea, its better to take small steps so you don’t go overboard with “fixing the game”


With poison also if you have to rely on your teammates picking up the flag then that’s bad because lots of games you won’t get good teammates



Please add this! One time I was in a game and my team was just standing around me when both teams had eachothers flags and I had to spam in chat for like a minute and a half saying they need to kill their guy if they want me to capture, and even then only two of the three left after that.

(punctuation for losers)


Flag curse is a thing for a reason

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Ye, but if your team isnt going to kill the carrier then theres not much point in giving them less health

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That’s then your teammates problem and hive has nothing to do on it

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I love this idea so what it sounds like is it would really help if someone was on a team of noobs or guarders because sometimes I’m the only one attacking and I have to yell at my team to help get our flag VOTED


Did you even read the suggestion, it would fix that. If the problem is that they don’t know they need to kill their carrier to return the flag, then the server told them, they would. So the hive can actually do something about it.


already maxed out ctf but this is a good idea


Keep in mind most of the posts on this thread were posted before the ctf balance patch was released.