Randomise teammates whilst in a party

Teammates whilst in a party should be randomised.

Say you are playing Survival Games Duos in a party of 8 people. You will always recieve the same partner. What I am suggesting is that this should be randomised - so you won’t recieve the same player as a teammate every game.

Idk if I like the idea of this since you can randomly inv people to your party if you want a random team just saying


That’s much more tedious

How would it be more tedious? Its randomizing the player you are paired up with every game.

I replied to LeopardJays

Oh oops, my bad, sorry

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Wait you have parties big enough to have more than a full squad?

Say you have 8 people in a party, and your playing duos of something. The teams will be the same everytime at the moment


The new word for duplicate bois


This would be good cuz I wanna play squads and wreck my sister’s team but I wanna be in a party with her

Rally good idea you may have my vote :smile:

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Suggestion bump.
I completely rewrote the topic description and made it a lot less complicated. I certainly know this is wanted - I have heard a lot of players in parties I’ve joined mention this.

I would really like to hear new opinions from forum users on this.

epicly suggestion.

me and my comrades were getting bored over the same teams everytime.

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Sorry, I may not be understanding but isn’t this why people even make parties? Most people want to be on the same team in the party, maybe there could be party options that have this and it is turned off by default?

If you queue into tw duos for example, you’ll be put with your party members on order of who joined first.


Ah, thanks for telling me.

This would be useful for tournaments and normal matches as well.

Get my vote :smiley: