Change the time of day

Being able to change the time of day for your

(This may be a duplicate but idk) this would be a command which would be /change day or /change midnight

The reason why this would be helpful is because of the occasional build this is Halloween or beach which I feel as if the time of day would be a nice touch

This would be very cool, but seen as all the plots are in the same world I don’t think this would be possible.

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Yeah, it’s too much to just have your build just at a different time.

The host in custom servers does have the ability to change the time of day, but this applies to all plots in the game, so if this applied to the game, you have too much on on one plate, so…. yeah.


What they COULD do is only have the selected time of day while voting, so you could just change the time of day for a specific build.

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Well lifeboat creative plots have time change so i don’t know how they cant do this for hive. Voted

This post means you can manually change the time on your specific plot, not like Lifeboat where its a day/night cycle.

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Great suggestion, but unfortunately, it’s a dupe ):


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