Capture the flag water damage


Capture the flag should get rid of water damage.

I’m capture the flag I se a lot of my teammates trying to push people or shove their teammates into water. This gets really annoying because the block you off and you die. Almost instantly. I play a lot of Capture The Flag on HIVE but almost whenever I die which i rarely do it is bc of water. Specially on the underground purple/ nether map you can’t see the water and when you do it is too late and you’re dead. Maybe instead of water do lava so we can see it better.

Goodbye Thank you all for reading this.

I don’t think this should be removed from CTF because you are having problems with it. :thinking: All I can say for you is, try to avoid the water as much as you can… And if you are having personal problems with a game, contact @Splodg3r. :splodger:

There aren’t any player collision physics in Bedrock, so you can’t be pushed in water unless an enemy kb’s you in. A lot of players place blocks behind them for whatever reason (I think either to speed up or slow teamates down so they can get the capture etc.) so block trapping you into the water may not be intentional. Also I believe the map you’re speaking of is Oryx. (Tt’s not nether though but I’m guessing you were playing on red team but never got to Blue teams base) Are you falling into the water on your own or getting kb’d in by an enemy?

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