Bring back Haunted as a duos map again

so if you’re a og you might know about the map called Haunted, and i want them to bring back this map, before i explain i link a video to show this map (a eckosoldier video) DESTROYING EVERYONE! 1.8 MCPE HIVE SERVER! - Treasure Wars Duos (iOS, Xbox, Switch, PC) - YouTube, and i’ll do a brief history of it.

basically haunted was a duos map, and actually the first map to ever be removed from duos and putted into solos, then inevitably be removed for people being able to clip through into the 3 floor of the mansion (i also did this before.)

and basically it was removed, gone, and left in the dust. which is why i want them to re-add this map, as it was a fun duos map, i loved this map.

so basically i want them to re-add it, or at least revamp it again.

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It will probably be readded whenever halloween returns

This was already suggested here. :ok_hand:


This will most likely be when halloween returns, also about this

the solution could be to fill in the buildings which has been done in most/all maps or just put it in swarm matches so It doesnt effect people abusing this glitch for wins

The only reason I liked this map was for trapping peoples heads in the cobwebs for an inescapable trap. I don’t do the kind of stuff anymore though, so I don’t really care. It isn’t an insanely good map

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