Bows are more expensive in the treasure wars

The bows in the treasure war could be more than just two diamonds.
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When starting matches players are very easy to buy bows because they are very cheap. Often players stay until the end of the game on their islands using the bow, which makes the game a little boring.

well, they added snowballs and ender pearls for a reason, and since they only stay on their island, u will have all the ems for urself and then u could purchase diamond armor and ender pearls and kill them


2 dias are fine. Bows help balance out dia armor


Bows were 1 diamond once upon a time.

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Eh, I wish bows weren’t obtainable in the first 3-4 minutes, I hate when people bow rush mid for diamond armour

You are correct. They can get annoying for the diamond armor person when you spam it but diamond armor rushers are annoying so the bow does help you when you are being rushed by a diamond rusher. Thank you for understanding.

                           -Purpled (CannibleCorpse7)