Being able to sell specific items or amount of items

So I actually had this thought in the back of my mind and realized that this doesn’t actually exist in the custom server settings.

Basically how it works: You can sell a specific item in the list and you can remove or re-add those items. You can also sell a limited amount or unlimited amount like how golden apples are limited to 10, now you can make that infinite. You can also sell it for a specific amount of resources which you can set, and also set how much you can get from that. Example: A stack of wool costs 10 gold.

But in general this is my suggestion really, so do whatever you want with it.

I agree, this suggestion can create more strategy-based games and it would be a lot of fun ! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yeah for example being able to buy 6 stacks of snowballs or a stack of autobridgers at one time would make life much easier.


Sconjo what do you mean by “selling” certain items. And how is it similar to my suggestion?

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read around here, i think it’ll be referenced here

i still don’t get what the selling part is.
My suggestion was to buy an item in bulk, how are they the same?

here you can read a bit of it

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