Adding important stats to the api

Add deaths and final kills to the api and maybe remove ores mined and spells casted because nobody cares about these.

It would help to calculate your K/D ratio in a specific month, and final kills would help determine which mode someone plays the most.

PS: Please don’t try to tell me that the number of deaths is the difference between games played and victories because that doesn’t work unless somebody plays solo exclusively.

Seriously though, why were ores mined and spells casted deemed more important than those?

Keep the ores mined and spells cast; those are quest related.
Other than that, good idea.

Vote on it then?

What does that mean? Why would someone care to know how many ores I mined lol

Some quests require you to mine certain ores.

So? Where’s the issue? Why does it need to know my monthly ores broken?

You don’t know what I’m talking about, do you?

Now I’m not sure. :thinking:

When you go to someone’s monthly statistics, not in game, you should see deaths, final kills. The spells and ores are not required

Ohhhhhh ok. Voted.

Why add final kills to the API for SkyWars? Aren’t all kills final, since you don’t respawn unless you are in a custom game, where stats are disabled? I also disagree with you on getting rid of the spells used and ores mined as I would actually like to be able to keep those stats part of the API so I can use them on my projects and people can see how many they use. Deaths need to be added though because I can agree that it will never be the same as games played - victories unless they only play solos since you can die and your team can still win.