So Blind Effect is better…?
That’s not what i meant. A visual change is bad, and would make it worse for the player. A cosmetic change wouldn’t affect their vision but they would appear to have a plunger on their face to everyone else
Now I understand. Yeah, it’s clearly better. I’ll change some things.
I suppose there could be a toggle for toys to be able to affect you, but it would probably have to default to off
i like this idea
i think this might be a bit to op you could use it to get to secret areas and cheat parkour
but otherwise great concepts!!!
Thx you! Man, are you serious? I hate my own concept
I was thinking something like this
Add toys that work with Pets. For example, you throw a ball/frisbee and the pet fetches it. Like @HAZARD6896 was saying you can throw it except your pet will go get it.
Straight out of nintendogs
I think that’s a good idea, so people can’t troll with it
I would love to see that!!
Cool! What about making them more bigger?
True, but that’s about player-sized
Ok I like this idea but I thought now that people are suggesting things like plungers. It should be togglable whether you want you be interacted with these Toys or not. Because they could get distracting when you just want to chill out and chat with people in the hub.
Yes, but if Toys doesn’t affect other person gameplay (wait the blaster knockback you away!) we don’t really need this…
Disagreed it’s for fun purposes if people want to have fun they can have it on if they don’t want to have fun and go into a game without interruptions that should be an option if someone were to use a knockback blaster that would discourage people joining in a game. @Daviditaly64
@LLMeowser I understand… from this pov is different. Yeah we should add it.
I didn’t say nothing before!
How about a jukebox that plays block party music it could be a level up reward for that game!
@LLMeowser a placeable block or something in your hand?
I’ll make a concept then.
(Why I always forgot to click “reply” button on people and not on the bottom!?)