Add to (discord) art topic plus discussion

You can bump it once, and to a point it’s okay. I like the suggestion but just because you made it or realLy want to add it doesn’t mean you bump if everytime?

Chill with that :slight_smile:

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Ooh basically we can also put up some fan arts yeah.

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It’d be nice if the best artworks (art is subjective but the staff can vote on it :O) could get pinned

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I love that idea :o

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renamed the tittle

Unfortunately it is likely that users would abuse this to send innapropriate and harmful content and declare it as their version of art.


maybe they could get like art approval bot or something like that?? :woman_shrugging:

I am very glad to declare that this has been implemented along with the Hive Discord overhaul :blobheart: