Add health after each kill

So in skywars i think it would be cool to add 4 hearts after each kill to the player, so incase like you’re playing duos and you spar against the person and their teammate, and you kill one with 1 heart, but their teammate kills you instantly. So i think times have changed now and in the major update that hive is doing soon, this can be added with it, because like if you run into a whole squad when you’re playing squads with your friends, your the only one going against 4 people, so if you kill one your health can replenish by 4, and if your in a critical fight against multiple people your health can replenish by 5 hearts, so i think health replenishment is a good idea to add to skywars’ next update.

Ehh… i don’t think this is a good idea. There’s hok in games where you respawn, but if someone with full diamond armor just starts killing everyone and getting health after each kill, it’s kinda unfair. This would also make it easier for people to kill entire teams, which you stated in your post, but it doesn’t seem very good.


Hell. NO

that was a bit dramatic but still though

Maybe 1 or 2 hearts added would be better but definitely NOT 4 or 5 freaking hearts. Or they can completely implement this the way they did in SG.


I’m just gonna be honest and brutal-
First off, no, we don’t need to make it easier for an enitre team to get steamrolled by one player.

Second off, I do not understand at all how JJ is being rude, and with Oblivion? I just agree with him.


hey steamrolled is only my catchphrase for killing

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I suppose this post could depend on skill, if your anything but good you will probably be destroyed.

To be honest, I like this idea! Not too much health should be restored, but I think some should so that, say, if I win a battle with one heart left, I don’t get killed right way. Voted!

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While I do agree with this 4 hearts is a little excessive maybe 2 but 4 would kinda be unfair

Well, he’s banned. I think Hive realized that Digital said his age, and banned him :pensive:
I feel that, while the ban may be deserved, we all should have been nicer to him, and maybe this wouldn’t have happened. I hope he when he said his age (after talking about wanting to be a helper so he could ban people), he didn’t do it because I was upset. I’m sorry, Digital.
As I am now leaving the Forums (for other reasons as well), I just wanted to say, actually, I don’t know what to say.


To use the forums you have to be 13 or older, and he wasn’t. I am still sad to see he was banned though.

Farewell mi fren. :pleading:


This is called Siphon actually and was originally a mechanic in Fortnite. While I do think the mechanic could prevent third partying from players that jump you fresh after you’ve been in a fight, I just don’t think it has any place in the base SkyWars/Treasure Wars gamemodes. However, it could be a fantastic kit idea for the upcoming Skywars Kits update

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